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UAE is a non-profit organization comprised of large consumers of energy in Utah, with a large and diversified base of support from which to develop and influence energy policies and regulations.
UAE member companies employ 40,000 people in Utah and consume millions of kWh each month. Membership includes companies from all over Utah, including oil and gas, aerospace, higher education, healthcare, and manufacturing. UAE provides information that helps members understand market forces and maintain continuity in regulatory policy.


UAE is led by Justin Farr, who was elected executive director January 2024. UAE is represented by Energy Strategies' staff in the intervention process at the Public Service Commission, led by Kevin Higgins. Legal counsel is provided by Phil Russell and Gary Dodge of James Dodge Russell & Stephens P.C.


OFFICERS: UAE President - Roger Persson, Chevron; UAE Treasurer - Andrew Teague, Walmart


BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                   

Jared Jackson, JR Simplot                                    Roger Persson, Chevron     

Zach Cook, Utah State University                          Andrew Teague, Walmart  

Glen Gerrick, Intermountain Health                       Angela Waters, American Pacific

Jon Lindsey, HF Sinclair                                       Bret Wilson, Northrop Grumman        

Conner Henry, Texas Instruments                                                 



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