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UAE provides a wide range of regulatory services to its members to keep electricity and natural gas rates affordable for the organization's members, many of whom compete globally. UAE is actively involved in the representation of industrial customers before the Utah Legislature and Public Utilities Commissions. The organization provides expert testimony in utility proceedings for PacifiCorp and Enbridge Gas Company on electricity issues and natural gas issues, including gas transportation.
At the regional and federal levels, UAE provides leadership and intervention on behalf of its members before the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) - the electric reliability council in the West - and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). On policy issues, UAE works to support our members' overall policy plans by resolving issues with administrative, legislative, and regulatory entities. UAE also participates in and monitors what is occurring at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on issues that impact the region and state.

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September 2024 Newsletter

The September newsletter includes information on the impact additional western utilities joining the CAISO Extended Day Ahead Market will have on PacifiCorp, 12 transmission projects that are expected to significantly expected to reduce carbon emissions in the west, concerns by WECC about meeting fast-growing loads, winter gas supply concerns, and more.  




Monthly Meetings
UAE will host its next monthly meeting in October. The time and date will be announced.
UAE Annual Conference 



UAE held its 37th annual energy conference on May 8, 2023.  


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